A slice of heaven in the rolling hills of Northern Ireland
and we want to share it with everyone who enjoys luxurious tranquility.
Peartree Hill is a special place where even the postman stops to admire the view. The house has undergone a major refurbishment to develop two luxury rooms and ensuites for guests to retreat, relax, rest and refresh themselves for stepping back into the busy world in which we live.
We offer excellent Northern Irish hospitality, but also create space for guests to enjoy themselves, have privacy to relax romantically on their own if desired, enjoy this beautiful country and taste the finest produce from the food basket of County Down.
Ian is developing a new piece of land to the rear of the house growing vegetables, fruit trees and soft fruits and he is kept company by Avril's hens as they scratch around for worms and treats (sometimes they do stray into his vegetable beds or polytunnel, but please don't tell him).
Award winning smiles
Ian and Avril were thrilled to win the Best BnB Stay and can still here those wonderful words "And the winner is ....
Peartree Hill"
We have always tried to live as sustainably as possible, recycling, growing our own food, using PV panels to heat water for our guests and now we can offer electric vehicle charging. For more information just send us an email stay@peartreehill.co.uk
Peartree Hill sits in an area of working farms with sheep, cattle and crops. Subsequently the fields are always changing whether they become filled with lambs or barley or calves. We feel very blessed to live in Peartree Hill and invite you to be blessed also.